Who are we?
Orpington Methodist Church (OMC) consists of a wide range of different people, from all ages and different backgrounds.
Whoever you are, you are assured a very warm welcome at OMC.

When to arrive:
We meet to worship God and  learn about the good news of Jesus each Sunday morning at 10:30.  If it is your first visit, you may find it helpful to arrive 5 or 10 minutes early to get your bearings.  If you are driving then you'll be pleased to hear that there is plenty of free parking in the area on Sundays.  For directions to reach us please go to the Getting Here link above. You'll be greeted on the door by our welcoming stewards who will give you the order of service and notices of forthcoming events. The service usually finishes around 11.30 though many people then stay on for a chat and a coffee.  Communion services tend not to finish until 11:40.

Are children welcome?
Yes.  Children have their own lessons and activities called 'KidZone'.  They join the whole congregation at the beginning of the service and after about 10 minutes they go off to KidZone.  For pre-school children there is a crèche, which  we call  'MiniZone'.  If  a child is more comfortable staying in church with Mum or Dad, then they are equally welcome.  Once a month, usually on the second Sunday, there is a Parade Service attended by the uniformed organisations.  At this service all ages remain in church, learning and worshipping together.

Where is Orpington Methodist Church and how do I get there?
The page headed 
Getting Here tells you all you need to know.

What happens in a typical service?
Methodists have a tradition of singing their faith.  At Orpington we enjoy a variety of music from the old hymns to the more modern songs.
There will be prayers and readings from the Bible.  The message is often delivered in the form of a sermon, but sometimes (especially at Parade Services) we will employ drama, visual aids, congregational participation, film clips or power point presentations - whatever helps to convey the good news that God loves us.  Once a month, mostly on the first Sunday, we celebrate Holy Communion as part of the service.  This involves everyone being invited to eat a little bread and drink a little wine in memory of what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper.  No-one is forced to take part in this, but everyone who attends is welcome to do so if they wish. 
More often than not it is our own minister who leads the services.  Once or twice a month another local minister or a lay preacher (we call them 'local  preachers' in  Methodism) will lead worship in their own particular style.  So in one sense there is no such thing as a 'typical service'.  Every one will have its own unique character.

Church is a foreign country to me.  Are there any particular codes of behaviour or dress I need to be aware of?
As far as clothes are concerned, come wearing whatever you feel comfortable in.   Feel free to sit anywhere.  We  normally stand for hymns and sit for the rest of  the service - just keep an eye on the rest of the congregation and you'll be fine.  We  don't burden you with arms full of books to get lost in.  If we do need you to refer to a book the page number will be clearly announced.  All the hymns and songs are projected on an overhead screen if you would rather not bother with a hymn book.  We take up an offering each week for church expenses, but there is no obligation to contribute unless you want to.  Basically, you can just be yourself and relax.  And if you have any questions the door stewards are there to help you feel at home.

What happens at the church other than the Sunday service?
here for details of regular activities.



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