Methodist Amateur Dramatics   

    MAD quiz June 2024      


We are based at Orpington Methodist Church and we meet every Tuesday evening between 8-10pm with a break for tea and coffee at about 9pm.  

We staged our first show in 1981 and some of the original members still play an active role in our productions today!  We are a friendly am-dram society and aim to present three shows a year – usually a pantomime, plus two other productions (ranging from traditional to the contemporary, high comedy to high drama….and everything in between!).  Our ages range from the very young through to “you’re as young as you feel”! 

We are always pleased to see new members and are always in need of actors, you never know - you may find yourself the STAR of our next production!  BUT ... it’s not just actors we need! We also welcome directors, backstage crew, and even tea-makers (very important!)  So, anyone who can knock in a nail, wield a paint brush, sew a piece of material or make a good cup of tea is very welcome. 

Subs are:

£7.50 for an adult
£3.00 for a child
£20.00 for a family (you save money by enrolling the whole clan)!

We also enjoy a Christmas dinner and a summer barbecue – both not to be missed!

So, why not come and join us one Tuesday evening – it would be lovely to see you and we promise you a warm welcome, good fun and a cup of tea! 


Past Productions:

April 2024 - Sudden Death at Chelsfield Manor
February 2024 - Puss in Boots: a Ben Crocker pantomime
May 2023- Amdram is Murder: a Murder Mystery by Karen Ince (with a two-course meal)
February 2023 - Mr. Scrooge: the Pantomime, written by Brian Luff 
February 2022 - Treasure Island
February 2020 - Flash Gordon
October 2019 - Shush
December 2018 - Oliver
February 2018 - Pantomime Adventures of Robin Hood
October 2017 - Blue Suede Blues
February 2017 - Sleeping Beauty

October 2016 - Pygmalion
February 2016 - Snow White
October 2015 - Fairway to Heaven
June 2015 - Side Effects
February 2015 - The Snow Queen click here
October 2014 - Camp Confidence click here
June 2014 - Prepare to meet thy Tomb click here
February 2014 - Camelot the Panto
November 2013 - Farndale.....A Christmas Carol
June 2013 - Summer Solstice Surprise
January 2013 - Cinderella
October 2012 - Customer Service
click here
June 2012 - Caramba's Revenge click here
January 2012 - Voyage of the Dawn Treader
click here
October 2011 - Wife After Death click here 
June 2011 - Sudden Death at Chelsfield Manor
click here 
April 2011 - The Way Things Are (A Play for Holy Week) 
click here
January 2011 - Just So click here


Out of sight - Out of Murder  -  Farndale  -  Wizard of Oz  -  Relative Values  -  Arabian Nights

The Archives